Learn about trackapprovalscom our key features and how this easy-to-use cloud hosted software will provide high workflow visibility, improve communication and automate your document approval tracking process for your business.
Eliminate the unsecured approval process
trackapprovals.com unique approval process mirrors your current approval processes and workflow without all the paper and inefficiency. By automating the approval process, your company will be able to track approvals electronically, streamline workflows, and have a central repository for anytime, anywhere access to important documents
Digitally sign and date documents or forms without having to print and scan.
Annotate documents without damaging the files integrity.
Redact sensitive and confidential information from documents.
Create and use electronic Fillable Form templates.
Two Factor Authenticity for additional security.
Create workflows to ensure documents are distributed and actioned by the right people.
Assign levels of authority from parent company across multiple companies.
Share files with colleagues with trackapprovals.com File Share module
Email alerts to remind Users when a deadline is approaching or is overdue.
Keep a record of the conversation by linking messages to documents with trackapprovals.com powerful messaging tool.
Centralised repository to keep all you documents secure and accessible anywhere at anytime.
Automated routing, escalation and approval of documents.
See the complete picture by linking documents together.
Customised timeframes for submitting and approving documents with our built-in user defined timetable.
Task Manager module that eliminates the guess work of what is required, when it is required and by whom.
Certificate of Completion confirming the approval process.
Create your document approvals in
2 Easy Steps!Create
It’s that easy!
trackapprovalscom unique approval process mirrors your current approval processes and workflows without all the paper and inefficiency.